- Audited Financials
- Federal ARP-ESSER Funding
- State Foundation Aid Funding Plan
- Smart School Bond
- Employee Contracts
Audited Financials
Federal ARP-ESSER Funding
State Foundation Aid Funding Plan
Smart School Bond
Smart Schools Investment Plan
The SMART SCHOOLS BOND ACT OF 2014 was passed in the 2014-15 Enacted Budget and approved by the voters in a statewide referendum held during the 2014 General Election on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. The purpose of the Smart Schools Bond Act is to improve learning and opportunity for public and nonpublic school students.
As a result the North Merrick Union Free School District was allocated to receive $661,037. The entire text of the Smart Schools Bond Act Implementation Guidance can be found at:
On October 6, 2015 Board of Education meeting was devoted to the important topic of technology. This work session reviewed the District's current technology status and future needs. The following topics were discussed:
The current status of the District's technology infrastructure, equipment, and instructional initiatives
The District's anticipated needs in these areas
The financing of the District's long-term instructional plan (budgetary allocations and the Smart Schools Bond act which will bring approximately $660,000 to the District)
During this meeting, feedback was solicited from the public and members of the Board of Education. In working with Board of Education, District leadership, school building administrators, teachers, staff and input from community members our technology plan survey provided the goals for technology in instruction for the North Merrick Union Free School District. On December 18, 2015, the District’s 2015-18 Instructional Technology Plan was approved.
Below please find the Smart Schools Investment Plan that will be submitted to the New York State Education Department by the North Merrick Union Free School District, The Smart Schools Investment Plan provides the District’s recommendation for use of these funds.
On January 8, 2016, this plan was posted to the District's website as required by the Smart School Bond Implementation Guidance by the New York State Education Department in order to invite public input prior to the adoption of this plan. All North Merrick Union Free School District stakeholders (parents, teachers, students, community members, ect.) were encouraged to provide comments to this plan.
On February 29, 2016, the North Merrick Board of Education held a public hearing on this the Smart Schools Investment Plan. Below Please find a copy of this presentation.
On March 8, 2016, Board of Education authorized the Superintendent of Schools to submit the Smart Schools Bond Act Investment Plan to the New York State Education Department for review and approval.
Related Files
North Merricks Smart Bond Public Hearing
Employee Contracts
Related Files
Superintendent's Contract
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and Personnel
Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Contract
Director of Facilities Contract
Assistant to the Superintendent for PPS Contract
North Merrick Supervisory Contract 2020 to 2024
Faculty - Teachers
Faculty - Paraprofessionals
Civil Service Employees
Please note: Contracts on this page are PDF'd according to ADA requirements and are not the scanned originals. Original signatures are on file at the Central Administrative Offices.