Enriching activities bring the fun at Old Mill Road School
Each classroom throughout Old Mill Road School in the North Merrick School District was bustling with excitement on Dec. 16 as a range of enriching activities challenged students to express their creativity.
Twice a year, North Merrick classes partake in Enrichment for All, challenging students to use their skills to complete exciting and engaging tasks. In one class, trays of soil contained hidden treasures underneath, which students had to dig and dust like paleontologists to find. They discovered dinosaur bones in the form of pasta shells, which students assembled to create their own individual dinosaur skeleton. In Tricia Shanagan’s third grade class, groups worked together to build a structure strong enough to withstand the forces of a hurricane. Using their cup-stacking skills, groups also competed to see who can form the highest stack of cups, while another class created paper airplanes to see whose would fly farthest down the hallway. Additionally, the holiday season was greeted with crafts such as melting snowmen and festive chocolate pops.
- Old Mill