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Teacher Center Resources

Over the past several years, the North Merrick Teacher Center has purchased many resources and tools to assist teachers.  Many of these tools have been used to help teachers integrate technology and differentiation into the classroom in exciting ways.  


  • add voice over to presentations and lessons on SmartBoard or Power Point
  • add student voices and record reading text or explaining models, diagrams, etc.
  • prerecord a lesson or an example and post it to your website for a hw tutorial

       If you would like to sign out a microphone, please contact


  • project activity on Smart Board screen
  • demonstrate use of manipulatives in real time
  • Here is a video with many great examples of how to use the ELMO effectively in the classroom: ELMO Video

       If you would like to sign out an ELMO, please contact

Poster Maker (Back in Service)

  • anchor charts
  • group activities
  • sequencing events
  • picture clues
  • mentor texts/documents
  • interactive diagrams (just add velcro)
  • enlarge student work into a poster

Click on the article titled The Role of Posters in Teacher Education Programs by Justina O. Osa and Linda R. Musser, Pennsylvania State University.


Posters abound in education libraries as decorative objects yet few libraries realize the educational potential of the poster. Posters are colorful, attractive learning media which can enhance the learning environment. This paper describes the value of posters in the educational setting, offers suggestions on selecting posters for learning, and includes examples of various types of learning posters.